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■3692 / inTopicNo.1)  $200,000 for Free? Is it for real?
□投稿者/ meermCheeby -(2009/02/21(Sat) 19:32:39) [ID:zWwPwY9J]
    Tournament and casino giant, Golden Casino, once again leads the pack by hosting yet another history making Slot Tournament.
    Dubbed 典he March Mania $200,000 Guaranteed Freeroll, this tournament is the first of its kind.
    No other tournament has offered a guaranteed Prize Pool of $200,000 with NO ENTRY FEE!
    The First Place winner will take home an incredible $100,000 and there are prizes all the way to 200th Place.
    The number of allowable rebuys is unlimited and the rebuy fee is a mere $20.

    And, in case you hadn稚 heard the news, one of GoldenCasino.com痴 lucky freeroll tournament winners,
    Karen O. from Texas, recently parlayed a tournament win into $30,000 in casino winnings!
    No money down and $30,000 in cold, hard cashwhat could be better?

    典he March Mania $200,000 Guaranteed Freeroll starts on March 3rd 2009 at 7PM (ET) and runs until March 20th 2009 at 7PM (ET).

    More info:
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