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■3978 / inTopicNo.1)  I Love GURUS and Their Products... don't you?
□投稿者/ trulnedledo -(2009/03/04(Wed) 12:24:21) [ID:AbQwhTi1]
    Come on... if you opened this post because you thought
    I have good feelings about the so-called "GURUS" you might get
    irritated and send me some nasty e-mails about this...

    But if you can handle the true, if you can't stand Gurus either,
    then I think you should stick for a minute and read what I have to say next...

    First question (and I don't really need an answer right away!)

    When was the last time you've got access to a GURU's product
    just to find that's nothing but regurgitating stuff... theory, old-time crap and all this B.S.

    Excuse my vulgar language, but how could you name their products?

    The second question (and I want you think seriously about this!)

    Is there a conspiracy or something... Why all the Gurus products look alike and deliver the same - NOTHING?

    You've seen sales pitches everywhere... all claiming you'll get millions in your paypal account...
    in 30 days or less... and all this baloney talk...

    The same pitch, the same product, the same result -- your money
    deducted from your bank account -- and you, empty handed with a "DEAD" product and low self-esteem...

    It's time you take your revenge...
    It's time you stop listening to the "Gurus"...
    It's time we start makng money altogether!

    If you want a real proven SYSTEM that gets money for you, while you do something else,
    head over at this page and fill-out the web form to change your financial future into better:

    Now, DON'T GET ME WRONG - there's no such thing as making $ online on total auto-pilot!

    You could be makng $20,000+ per month like this Aussie mother
    of three makes, but you'd first have to discover the system...

    Understand how it really works - then try it for yourself...

    The "last" step would be to wait for the money flood your bank
    account... all details are right here - click now:


    Could you FORWARD this "outrageous" message to your friends? 2009 might be their year too!

    See ya soon.

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